Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Spot the Error Tuesday: Can YOU Spot the Error?

Every Tuesday, I'm going to post a piece of text or a photo with an error in it. Some are really obvious and others may take a few minutes to find. Today's is courtesy of a Yahoo! advertiser.

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Do you think this was an accidental error, or a deliberate attempt to use a keyword in an advertisement? If it was a keyword, why would they use it in an ad graphic? Don't the search engine robots only see text and links? Either way, I wouldn't hire a company that has an ad with such an obvious error to write something as important as a business plan for me. Am I being too picky?


Kelly said...


You're not being picky at all. That ad is chock full of errors. I count four...

Sometimes I wonder if people even try.

The Quoibler said...

This is horrible and so unprofessional.

I actually have gotten to the point where I won't even apply for jobs if the ad has a very obvious typo/error.

Great blog, by the way!


Leigh said...

Thank you for your comments, ladies. I have a folder on my PC called "errors" so I have a lot of fodder for "Spot the Error Tuesdays." :0)

Kathy@TheFlawlessWord said...

Nothing's worse than a glaring typo in the headline (to say nothing of the extra mistakes in the copy). I've read, however, that headlines are one of the most likely places for spelling errors to occur. You'd think they'd pop right out during proofreading, but I guess one's eyes are prone to scanning right over them. Much as I hate to admit it, I often overlook my headlines when proofing.

Unknown said...

Good point, Kathy. For some reason, I think the eyes are focused more on the smaller text (to see more clearly) so the errors in the headlines don't "pop" out at you as much.